Atlas Yoga Studio & School

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Relieving Stress in Difficult Times

Stress, burnout, overwhelm over time will take an emotional and physical toll on our wellbeing.  As Hans Selye, whose pioneering research defined the field of stress studies in the mid-1930’s, famously suggested, “It is not the stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

This is where yoga comes in.  The practice of yoga asana (postures), breathing exercises, meditation and Ayurveda can provide relief from stress and potentially help us to find tools to respond to life challenges without triggering the flight-or-fight response naturally arises in a time like we are experiencing.  Yoga can do a more than teach us how to cope, the subtle effects on the body, mind, spirit and emotions can help us to heal the damage that a life of unrelenting stress can cause.

Watch the blog for upcoming posts on managing life as we know it, the best of Atlas Studio.