Atlas Yoga Studio & School

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Ida Cullen to teach with Atlas Yoga Studio and School

Embodied Astrology Yoga and the Cosmos

Yoga and Astrology - two of Ida Cullen’s passions in life and her super powers. Ida is an insightful, artistic and inspired soul. I met Ida in 2002 when she was on the facilitation team of the Inner Quest Intensive at Kriapalu. As life would have it, we have became fast friends, and we have been learning, growing and working together ever since.

Ida’s class will be part of our regular Live Online Yoga Class schedule this semester
April 8 - June 17, 2024
Mondays 6pm - 75mins class

You can use your unlimited passes for this class and you can purchase this class individually, a 5 or 10 class pass or an Unlimited Live Online Yoga Class pass here:

Once you have a pass you can register for the Embodied Astrology - Yoga and The Cosmos here:

You can find out more about Ida Cullen and her approach to yoga and astrology here:

As we journey through the celestial tapestry of the universe, we find ourselves drawn to the profound intersection of astrology and yoga therapy. This sacred convergence offers us an opportunity to deepen our understanding of self, connect with the rhythms of the cosmos, and foster holistic healing on both a physical and spiritual level.

🌌 Astrology: Mapping the Cosmic Blueprint

In astrology, we explore the intricate dance of the planets, stars, and constellations to unveil the unique patterns and energies influencing our lives. By delving into our birth charts, we gain insight into our inherent strengths, challenges, and soul's purpose. Each planetary alignment and zodiac sign carries its own essence, guiding us along our evolutionary path and illuminating the interconnectedness of all things.

🧘‍♀️ Yoga Therapy: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Spirit

Yoga therapy is a transformative practice that integrates the ancient wisdom of yoga with modern therapeutic techniques. Through mindful movement, breathwork, and meditation, we cultivate harmony within ourselves and with the world around us. Yoga therapy empowers us to release physical tension, quiet the fluctuations of the mind, and awaken the dormant potential within our being. It is a profound journey of self-discovery and self-healing.

The Synergy of Astrology and Yoga Therapy

When we marry the wisdom of astrology with the transformative power of yoga therapy, we unlock a potent synergy for holistic well-being. By aligning our yoga practice with the current astrological energies, we can attune ourselves to the cosmic flow and harness its supportive vibrations. Whether it's practicing specific asanas to balance planetary influences or setting intentions aligned with lunar cycles, the possibilities are wide and deep.

Astrology predates modern psychology in its examination of behavior, emotions, and mental states. While many psychologists have distanced themselves from astrology's ancient origins, some luminaries like Carl G. Jung, a student of Freud, have recognized its significance. Jung regarded astrological symbolism as intrinsic to an individual's makeup, whether consciously acknowledged or not.

In essence, the marriage of astrology and yoga therapy offers profound insights into the human psyche, guiding us towards holistic healing and self-realization. As we delve deeper into these ancient practices, we awaken to the interconnectedness of all things, forging a harmonious relationship with the cosmos and ourselves.